VIA - definition. What is VIA
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

VIA (disambiguation); Via (disambiguation); VIA; VIA (Album); Via (album)

[L.] (Colloq.) By way of.
·noun A road way.
II. Via ·prep By the way of; as, to send a letter via Queenstown to London.
['v???, 'vi?]
¦ preposition
1. travelling through (a place) en route to a destination.
2. by way of; through.
by means of.
C18: from L., ablative of via 'way, road'.



Via or VIA may refer to the following:

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. Silvia. -via, -via, -via, -via
How to Sell & Market Products _ Rana Sobhany _ Talks at Google
2. via fantasy, via science fiction,
Was the Cat in the Hat Black _ Philip Nel _ Talks at Google
3. RYAN PRENTISS: Via Jersey via Florida via New York City.
Sustainability in the Beef Industry _ Chef Prentiss _ Talks at Google
4. via search, via social, and increasingly,
Rasmus Kleis Neilsen _ Talks at Google
5. via invitation.
Paramount _ Ozark Henry & Ronald Prent + More _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Listening via the internet was up 10 per cent and via digital television up ' per cent.
2. Others relied on subscribing via ATM machines or via phone services provided by their local banks.
3. Currently, two Palestinian entities are dealing with Israel: one via dialogue, and the other via force.
4. Still others leave via Somalia to try to get into Europe or the Gulf via Yemen.
5. Russian crude is supplied to Germany via the Druzhba pipeline, which runs from Russia via Poland and Belarus.